2021-05-13 15:04 This morning Shawn Callahan of Anecdote and I hosted the third of four sessions of the Storytelling for Leaders programme. In this case it’s a public workshop, open to anyone who’s interes...
2020-04-15 16:30 Telling stories is one of the most compelling ways to hold someone’s attention. It’s also one of the oldest and comes completely natural to us. This may not be immediately obvious. You may...
2020-04-07 13:41 You already have the innate ability to tell stories. You can develop it into a skill that you can apply to powerful effect. So what can you do to tell powerful stories to make a point? I’ve got ...
2020-04-05 13:36 Imagine a ploughed field that stands between some people and their destination. The two extreme paths across the field are going straight across (Path A), and going all the way around the edge of the ...